Meet Emma!

Meet Emma!

Emma Suominen joins the WE.VESTR family as our Customer Success lead. Let’s learn a little more about Emma!

👋 Hi Emma! Tell us a little about you!

Hi!I’m Emma, I’m originally from Finland. I’ve also lived in the UK where I studied accounting and finance and worked across the fintech space. I’ve now relocated to sunny Valencia and am looking forward to the next chapter of my career with WE.VESTR.

What drew you to WE.VESTR?

I was really inspired by the WE.VESTR story and how it’s solving a problem both Floris and Maarten experienced in their own founder careers and liked their mission to help other founders in their startup journey. I felt the platform itself has a lot of potential, especially in Europe and this would be an exciting time to be part of that story.

What excites you about the role?

That it’s a people focused role. Ultimately, making a difference is what excites me most. Whether that’s helping a customer have a better experience using our platform or making sure we’re using the learnings from our existing customers to further optimise our platform. How we can continue to do better to make a bigger difference is what excites me most.

And what do you enjoy doing in your free time when you're not being a kickass Customer Success Lead?

I’ve just moved to Valencia in May, so right now I’m just getting used to a new city so if anyone has any recommendations of what to do in Valencia, please do share! But I spend a lot of time at the gym or taking long walks in the park and going to the beach. Just trying to be active and balance all of the time I spend sitting down and working in front of a laptop!

Can you speak any Spanish?

I’m learning but eager to learn more!

And what’s your favourite Spanish cuisine so far?

I’ve tried paella a few times but still have a lot more I want to try😊

Connect with Emma if you need any support with getting started on WE.VESTR!

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